How to Hide Completed Tasks in Asana | Step-by-Step Guide

3 min read
07 2024


Keeping your Asana workspace clutter-free is essential for maintaining productivity. One effective way to achieve this is by hiding completed tasks. This article will guide you through the steps to hide completed tasks in Asana, ensuring your project views remain clean and focused on active work.

What is Asana and Why Does Hiding Completed Tasks Matter?

Asana is a powerful project management tool that helps teams organize and manage their work. It offers various features to streamline task management, including task assignments, due dates, project timelines, and progress tracking.

However, as projects progress, the list of completed tasks can grow and clutter your views, making it harder to focus on what still needs to be done. Hiding these tasks can significantly improve clarity and efficiency, allowing you to prioritize active tasks and maintain a tidy digital workspace.

Steps to Hide Completed Tasks in Asana

  1. Access Your Project: Open the Asana project where you want to hide completed tasks. Navigate to the project from your dashboard or the sidebar.
  2. Select the Filter Option: Locate the filter option at the top right corner of your project view. This option allows you to customize the visibility of tasks based on their status.
  3. Choose 'Incomplete Tasks': From the filter options, select 'Incomplete Tasks.' This action will hide all completed tasks from your current view, displaying only tasks that are still in progress.
  4. Save View for Everyone: To ensure that all team members have the same clear view, save this filtered view for everyone. You can do this by selecting 'Save View for Everyone' from the project actions menu. This way, your team will consistently see only the tasks that need attention.

Detailed Walkthrough with Tango Instructions

Adding visual aids can make it easier to follow the steps. Here’s a detailed walkthrough with screenshots for each step:

  1. Access Your Project:

    • Open Asana and go to your dashboard.
    • Click on the specific project where you want to hide completed tasks.
  2. Select the Filter Option:

    • In the project view, find the filter icon in the top right corner.
    • Click on it to open the filter menu.
  3. Choose 'Incomplete Tasks':

    • In the filter menu, select 'Incomplete Tasks.'
    • This will immediately update your view to hide all tasks marked as completed.
  4. Save View for Everyone:

    • After filtering, click on the project actions menu (three dots).
    • Select 'Save View for Everyone' to ensure that all team members see the same view.

Tips and Best Practices for Managing Tasks in Asana

Effective task management in Asana goes beyond just hiding completed tasks. Here are some additional tips and best practices to help you optimize your workflow:

  • Regularly Review and Update Tasks: Set aside time each week to review your task list. Update the statuses, reassign tasks if necessary, and ensure that due dates are realistic. This habit keeps your project aligned with current priorities.
  • Use Sections to Organize Tasks: Organize your tasks into sections like 'To Do,' 'In Progress,' and 'Completed.' This visual structure helps you quickly understand the progress of your project and makes it easier to focus on specific stages.
  • Leverage Asana’s Advanced Search: Use the advanced search feature to create custom views based on specific criteria, such as due dates, assignees, or tags. This can help you find tasks quickly and manage your workload more efficiently.
  • Set Up Automation Rules: Asana offers automation features that can help streamline your workflow. For example, you can set up rules to automatically move tasks to the 'Completed' section when they are marked as done or to assign tasks to team members based on certain triggers.
  • Collaborate with Comments and Updates: Use the comments section within tasks to communicate with team members. Regular updates and discussions in the task comments can keep everyone informed and reduce the need for separate meetings.
  • Integrate with Other Tools: Asana integrates with many other productivity tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams. Use these integrations to enhance your workflow and ensure seamless communication across platforms.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, you may encounter issues when trying to hide completed tasks or manage your tasks in Asana. Here are a few common problems and how to resolve them:

  • Filter Not Saving: If the 'Save View for Everyone' option is not working, ensure that you have the necessary permissions. Only project owners or admins can save views for everyone.
  • Tasks Not Updating: If completed tasks are not being hidden even after filtering, refresh your browser or clear your cache. Sometimes, browser issues can prevent changes from reflecting.
  • Automation Rules Not Triggering: Check the settings of your automation rules if they are not working as expected. Ensure that all conditions and actions are correctly set up.

You can maintain a cleaner and more focused workspace by hiding completed tasks in Asana.Implement these steps and tips to enhance your project management efficiency.  For more Asana insights and tutorials, explore our blog and resources.

CampaignArc can help you if you need more guidance.